Russia is Moving Up!

Russia is Moving Up! Russian Federation First Mercantile Fund BMG3474A1190, MSCI Russia Index and MSCI EM Index 2015-12-31 to 2016-04-22, data source: Bloomberg. After a somber Q4, the Fund rallied 29% in the first 3 months of the year, following what was a pick-up in...

Mobius: Rousseff Impeachment Not Priced Into Stocks

6:14 AM CEST May 2, 2016 Mark Mobius, executive chairman of Franklin Templeton’s Emerging Markets Group, discusses the outlook for emerging markets with Bloomberg’s Manus Cranny on “Bloomberg Markets Middle East.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Private Equity Fund – Now Available Through FMG 

The Fund provides efficient and direct access to the global asset class Private Equity with daily liquidity. It invests in listed companies whose returns are predominantly generated through investments with a private equity approach. The investment universe consists...

Iraq Boosts Oil Production to a Record

Iraq boosted oil production to record levels in March, ahead of talks aimed at capping output. Bloomberg’s Aaron Clark reports on “First Up.” (Source:...