The FMG group has a healthy growth and we recently celebrated our 25th anniversary. In growing and
developing our offerings, we are currently streamlining the number of funds and share classes offered.
Following the receipt of a material redemption, we took a strategic decision to close the FMG (EU) Africa
Fund, as the fund’s assets under management currently stand below the level achieved in our other
funds. As a result, we recommended to the fund’s board of directors the closure – which has been
approved – of the FMG (EU) Africa Fund, ahead of the anticipated significant decrease in assets.
Consequently, we are hereby giving you notice that the last dealing day of the FMG (EU) Africa Fund
will probably be September 1st, 2017 (based on a valuation as at August 31st, 2017) when all remaining
participating shares therein will be mandatorily redeemed. More